Exam Certificates

For some time now, Trinity College have not been issuing hard-copy certificates, but have sent digital ones instead. Obviously this saves them a lot of money, in spite of which they still put their exam fees up every year. Anyway, I print the certificates here, as I think it’s important to have a physical recognition of your achievement, not just a bunch of electronics on your phone screen.

ABRSM, however, continued to post physical copies of exam certificates. Well they did, until August this year. Now they have followed Trinity’s lead and are posting digital certificates online instead.

In case anyone’s wondering, these are two different exam boards. They run their exams very differently, and they’re rivals, really. Both offer practical (i.e. instrumental and vocal) exams, and both offer theory exams. I use Trinity College for practical exams (piano and keyboard) and ABRSM for theory exams.

Since Trinity made their decision, I have bought a ream of certificate paper (it’s really nice!) for printing your certificates on. I shall continue to do this, and so ABRSM certificates will be printed here as well.

For this reason, you should not print your own copy of the digital certificate. We have our Showcase every year, and it finishes with a “prize-giving” ceremony, during which exam certificates are presented to successful candidates. I really like doing this, and it’s nice for all of you to see how everyone has done during the year.

If you take any exams with me, you’ll always get your result as soon as I know it myself, and ABRSM will also give you the option to “view” and “print” your certificate. By all means look at it if you want to, but don’t print it. If, for any reason, you need it in a hurry, please just let me know.

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