Wednesday 26th April 2023

There will be no lessons on Wednesday 26th April. All pupils scheduled for Wednesday lessons will have these transferred to Saturday 29th or Sunday 30th April. Please contact me to arrange a time. Thank you!

Happy New Year!

A very Happy New Year to all my pupils and their families. 2023 will no doubt have its challenges as well as its excitements and its high points, but we are ready for all of it! Some of you will sit instrumental and/or theory exams, and all of you will make progress and gain more …

No lessons w/b 30th January 2023

There will be no piano/keyboard/theory lessons during the week beginning Monday 30th January 2023. Invoices for next term will allow for this. In all other respects, the dates for next term remain as stated on the tuition dates page.

Playing By Ear!

Our second Entry Into Music is now explained and described on this website. Have a look under Tuition – Practising. Playing By Ear is difficult for many people. If you need help with any aspect of this amazing skill, please contact me. Lessons can be arranged! Help is at hand! But do read the article …

Do you want to be a better sight reader?

New article on Sight Reading skills! Have a look at the Practising tab under Tuition. Let me know if it’s helpful! (Did you know that reading conventional notation is not the only way to access music? There are two other ways, which I will show you about soon. Oooh!)


You’ll find articles on how to get the best out of your music learning under the Tuition tab. Click on “Practising!”, and you’ll find articles which use some cool initials that will help you remember exactly what to do! (as long as you remember the initials!) These things are called INITIALISMS by the way, though …

Pupils’ Page!

Coming in September! Specifically for my music pupils, a library of resources and useful information. The page will be password protected. All pupils who sign up for lessons in the autumn term will be sent the password, which will change every term. You will be able to access theory charts and other music theory guides …