The Summer Series will continue through July and August, as I’ve found that, for most students, it’s far better not to have a six- or seven-week break over the summer months. Instead, I will be taking a two-week break from Monday 28th August until Sunday 10th September inclusive.
I very much hope you will be happy to continue with your music lessons during July and August, but I appreciate that you may be taking holidays yourselves. Could you please let me know any dates you are unavailable? I will of course allow for these in my invoices.
During the first COVID lockdown, we continued with our online lessons throughout the summer (after all, no-one was going anywhere!) and the results were extremely encouraging. I would like to build on this now—although in much nicer and happier circumstances!
This flexible and accommodating partnership between me and my pupils (or their parents) is vitally important to me, so please get back to me if you have any concerns. I would appreciate hearing dates of unavailability, or other matters concerning the Summer Series, before Saturday 15th July. This will give me a chance to organise the calendar before the end of term. Thank you!