The second half of the Summer Series 2023 runs from Monday 5th June to Saturday 22nd July, a total of six weeks, and your Summer Series invoice will have accounted for these lessons.
I am available during the last week in July and for most of August if you would prefer not to have a big gap before the Autumn Series begins. Please contact me if you would like to arrange additional lessons over the summer holidays (these do not have to be weekly, and they can be on different days and at different times from the normal term-time schedule.)
You will receive your Autumn Series 2023 invoice during the last week of August.
The Autumn Series will begin on Monday 11th September and will end on Saturday 23rd December 2023. Half Term Week is the week beginning Monday 23rd October. Welsh pupils may find their Half Term Week is on different dates, so please note there will be no music lessons during the week beginning Monday 23rd October (unless separately scheduled), and there will be lessons as normal during the week before. If you need to rearrange your lessons due to having a different half term week, please let me know as soon as possible.